Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Asd Children Placid Behaviour In ASD Children At School But More Difficult And Demanding At Home?

Placid behaviour in ASD children at school but more difficult and demanding at home? - asd children

It seems there are a lot of research in the United States to my theory that some children in the spectrum Autisitc turn themselves in situations where they feel less comfortable (school support, for example) so that the teacher with behavioral problems for parents and others who will see the child / s reported in the family.

Can someone tell me in the right direction, preferably via the Internet to any investigation or a person who can confirm this?


lolabell... said...

I have had many children over the years apart, the "angel" in school, but all fall at home. I was at a meeting the other day, when the mother said her son, curses, throws things, yells and screams for homework, bedtime, etc. He never raised his voice to the "school, I had many teachers felt that Parents' should do something "to make this behavior, or" false. "is also the case. The school is very structured and we are working very hard to teach children" how to participate appropriately. The house is a different matter all together.

The daily routine of a house is often unstructured, for various reasons .... no lunch, homework, soccer games, music lessons, swimming, family time can be hectic and so on! It is difficult for most families to follow a healthy routine. If children are the group of children swimming with the flow, or it may be easier to manage because of its size, but when they get older tend to protest and act of behavior. I do not quite understand until I worked withFamilies at home. It is difficult for parents with homework, cook dinner and watch an autistic child can help or not know how to properly fill your time. Many children do not know how to play, so they spend their time, viewing of video and computer, while the family tries to do normal things. Problem occurs due to poor skills in transition, the resistance to change and lack of communication.

I do not know the hand of the search. Unfortunately, most studies are conducted in schools for educational purposes only. There are in the United States "wrap around" in which behavioral scientists (BSC), Mobile Therapist (MT) (a psychologist, who became the board of the family of origin) and therapeutic support staff (TSS) as well as working in the family home . This is not just a service of autism, more than one behavioral therapy for mental health services. The BSC then develops a behavior plan for the families and the SA follow the plan to help the child remain at home.

Fortunately, you can google "wrap" or & quot; SA
Also, try TEACCH at the University of North Carolina and POAC, parents of children with autism project. Good luck in your search. Post again if you answer!

Anonymous said...

I can confirm that!

As parents and her ex-husband of two men, with 30 years experience with Asperger's Syndrome in my house ... I know exactly what I say ... much better than the so-called "experts" who learn just about that possibility, classes and books, and word of mouth ... and only discovered in the last five years!

I am a doctor taught him about the syndrome ... for he had never heard of him, and now he has answers for patients who do not have the anser.

Someone who has helped people find online all over the world in the last eight years to find answers to their families and themselves with this disease ... and someone who knows the syndrome backwards and upside down, just say who asks, it's time for the novelty and the romance of Asperger's. This book Damn the Dog in the Night created a myth ... And the reality of Asperger's Syndrome families like mine!

The author of the book was an assistant nurse, saw the hand ... Unlike families can not miss iNo, never, he and his colleagues, will inherit the joint pain, or experiences on Asperger's sufferers.

The victims always wear a mask all but the family only with them, have become his true nature ... and the older they get, the more can be dangerous for their families.

It is not a novel, anything remotely cute or endearing in Asperger's syndrome. But we want the same thing. As a foreigner, and care workers called professional one miles from our reality would be at home with them!

A dead father very much as an adult ... and ... Shell Shocked nor the ex-wife!

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