Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Side Effects Of Sweet & Low WHY Oh WHY Would The FDA Approve Aspartame?

WHY oh WHY would the FDA approve aspartame? - side effects of sweet & low

It is basically a poison and has been with terrible side effects, like a drop in IQ, numbness and headaches, you just extract the birth, childhood autism and blindness, among other things can. Basically, it is you docile and stupid after long use. It looks like a ghost control, is not it?

However, a zero-option Caleri is really good for you and has been used for centuries in South America is an herb called Stevia. It is very sweet, calorie-free, and even benefitical for your health. But the government refuses to them as a sweetener or food additive approved. I understand that, if approved suffering, all distributors like poison Splenda and Equal Opportunities, a financial loss, but not the health of people is more important? Obviously not run as many things.

The world is crazy. People need to wake up and feel what is happening around them.


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